There are 2 ways to Skip Trace in REIPro.
-You can bulk skip trace a Marketing Campaign. This uses 1 credit per lead and returns the most recent 3 cell phones, most recent 3 landlines, and all email addresses found for each owner.
-You can also skip trace an individual property saved in your Properties tab in Step 2. You can run a Basic Search or a Premium Search. The Basic Search uses 1 credit per lead and returns the most recent 3 cell phones, most recent 3 landlines, and all email addresses found for each owner. The Premium Search uses 2 credits and will return all cell phones and landlines associated with the owner, all email addresses, approximate age and whether they are deceased, full address history, and nearest relatives and their contact information as well.
All Standard Plans get 50 free skip trace credits every month, and all Team Plans receive 200 free skip trace credits every month. These will refresh on the first of every month. Additionally, skip trace credits can be purchased and we offer several bundle packages depending on your needs.
You can also head to your Account Settings and go to your Skip Trace Credits tab to view the account's skip trace order history, available credits, and to see all of the skip traces that have been performed either in Properties or in a Marketing Campaign.