REIPro's Marketing feature is an integral part of marketing to your leads. When you run a lead search in LEADPro, you could have hundreds or even thousands of potential leads that you want to market to. When you create a Marketing Campaign, you can skip trace the owners phone numbers and email addresses, order postcards, or send letters. Then you can get the deal started.
To add leads to a Marketing campaign from LEADPro, select the leads you want by clicking the purple Actions button. Here you can select the amount of leads you wish, such as all leads, all of the leads on a page, a specific amount, or based off of a specific postcard budget. Then click the Add To Marketing Campaign button under Step 2. (Or you can export directly from LEADPro by clicking Export Leads button).
Now your leads are in a Marketing Campaign in the Marketing Campaign dashboard. From here, you can choose to skip trace the leads, download and print letters from one of our letter templates, or you can order post cards. REIPro is equipped with a full printing department, and with over 90 professional post card designs or the option for you to create and upload your own, we can get your post cards printed and mailed for you.
Q: How do I bulk skip trace a campaign?
A: Once you create a Marketing Campaign, you are able to bulk skip trace all of the leads in that campaign. Simply click on the Skip Trace button at the bottom of that campaign. All bulk skip tracing uses 1 credit per lead, and returns the top 3 cell phone numbers, top 3 landlines, and all email addresses of the owner. A pop up window will appear confirming how many credits will be used to skip trace your campaign, and will give you the option to purchase more if you need it.
Q: How do I skip trace a property?
-You can bulk skip trace a Marketing Campaign. This uses 1 credit per lead and returns the most recent 3 cell phones, most recent 3 landlines, and all email addresses found for each owner.
-You can also skip trace an individual property saved in your Properties tab in Step 2. You can run a Basic Search or a Premium Search. The Basic Search uses 1 credit per lead and returns the most recent 3 cell phones, most recent 3 landlines, and all email addresses found for each owner. The Premium Search uses 2 credits and will return all cell phones and landlines associated with the owner, all email addresses, approximate age and whether they are deceased, full address history, and nearest relatives and their contact information as well.
All Standard Plans get 50 free skip trace credits every month, and all Team Plans receive 200 free skip trace credits every month. These will refresh on the first of every month. Additionally, skip trace credits can be purchased and we offer several bundle packages depending on your needs.
Q: How do I order postcards?
A: You can order postcards for any Marketing Campaign that you have. Simply click on Order Postcards for a specific campaign saved in your Marketing dashboard. We have also provided several short videos in the Marketing section of the Help Center that will walk you through each of these steps.
Q: How do I export leads?
There are 2 places you can export. You can export leads directly from LEADPro, or you can export a Marketing Campaign. To export in LEADPro, click the purple Actions button on the screen with your search results, and choose how many leads you wish to select. Once they are selected, you can click the Export Leads button at the bottom of the Actions menu. Or you can export a Marketing Campaign. You would simply click the export icon that looks like a downward arrow in the top right corner of a Campaign. This will export your leads an .xlxs file.
Q: What information do I get when I export leads?
A: When you export leads, you get public information that is on file from the county tax assessor office, in addition to REIPro's Potential Equity and Estimated Value. You would get:
-Property address
-Owner's name and owner's mailing address (if different than property address)
-If it's owner occupied
-Bedrooms and bathrooms if they're reported
-Last sold date
-Last sold amount
-Square footage
-Total open loans
-Auction date if applicable.
-The County the property is in
-Parcel Number of the property
-Property Type
-Foreclosure Notice Type (if applicable)
-Foreclosure Recording Date (if applicable)
-Campaign Name
-Campaign Type
Note: If you have skip traced your campaign first, you will also get the top 3 cell phone numbers, top 3 landlines, and all email addresses when you export your leads. If you ran LISTMaid, you will also get the updated owner mailing address if they filed a NCOA with the USPS.
Q: How do I import my own leads?
A: To import leads, make sure that your file is in a .csv or .txt file. Click on Marketing in the left side Menu, and then click Import Leads at the top of the Marketing area. Then you would follow the steps as they walk you through Importing.
Required Fields for Mapping when importing:
Option 1: House Number, Street Name, City, State, Zip
Option 2: Street Address, City, State, Zip
Q: How do I move leads from a campaign to my Properties tab?
A: To move leads from a campaign to your properties, you would need to go to your Marketing dashboard, and click on a campaign name to go into that campaign. Then, "select" the leads you'd like to move by clicking the checkbox to the left of each lead, then click Actions and Add to Properties.
Q: What is a drip campaign?
A: A drip campaign is when postcards are sent to a portion of your leads at a time, spread out over time, until all of your leads receive postcards. The minimum quantity for a drip campaign is 1,000 leads total, with minimum of 250 per drip.
Q: Where would I find letters in the software?
A: You can generate letters in Marketing for a Campaign, or in Step 2 of a saved property, as well as Step 4 for offer letters. To print letters in Marketing, simply click the Print Letters button for any of your campaigns.
Q: Can I edit one of REIPro's postcards to personalize it?
A: REIPro offers over 90 professional postcard designs for you to choose from, and each postcard has an area on the back where you can add your own contact information. Although our postcards that we offer are not editable, we know that some of our users like to get creative, and so we also provide you with a way to upload your own custom postcards.
Q: How do I upload a custom postcard?
A: To upload a custom postcard, you would click Marketing, then click My Postcards. You will see the option here to Upload Custom Postcard over on the top of the screen, and that open a pop up window where you can name your postcard and upload the front and back image, and then save. We also have Instructions and training videos on that upload screen that are very helpful and walk you through the upload process.
Q: How can I re-order a campaign?
A: To re-order a campaign, simply click Reorder Postcards for a campaign. This will create a copy of that campaign that you will be able to order postcards for.
Q: How can I Merge Campaigns?
A: Click on Marketing in the left Menu to get to your Marketing Campaigns Dashboard. Click the name of the Campaign you'd like to merge to view all of the leads in that campaign. Then, select all of the properties by clicking the top check box. Next, click on Actions at the top of the screen and click “Move Selected to Different Campaign." Select which campaign you would like to move them to and click on “Move Selected."