To Sort through your saved Properties:
- Go to your saved Properties tab.
- Click on the Sort button (List View). You can Sort the list by: Date added, Follow up date, Address, City, State, Zip, Rating or Favorites.
To Filter through your saved Properties:
- In your saved Properties tab, click on the Filter button
- This will open a pop-up box with options to Filter your list by: Ratings & Favorites, default and custom Statuses, and default and custom lead types.
- Click Apply
To Search through your saved Properties:
- Use the property search bar on the top right corner of your screen. You can search by typing in the property address, city, zip code, contact name (if saved), or contact phone number (if saved).
- Use the Global search bar at the top of your screen. Start typing in the property address, and it will show you if that is saved anywhere in your Properties tab or in a Marketing campaign.